Karlene has joined the Australian Farm Albums team
Getting the word out about Australian Farm albums is an ongoing process, which is why we have contracted someone to do our marketing and promotions.

Karlene worked in media before becoming a mother, when she and her husband moved back to his family farm. Now with two of her three girls away at boarding school, and having completed a term as a local shire councillor, she was looking for some part-time work. So with that in mind she approached us at AFA with a proposal of how she could help our business.
Karlene grew up as a farm kid on her family’s farm “Karlinka” near Darkan as the youngest of three girls. But when her father became ill, and ultimately passed away, there was no family member to continue the family farm, so it was sold. She and her sisters go back to the farm annually, on the anniversary of their father’s death, but the farm is not the same as it was, as inevitably there have been changes over the years.
Despite having plenty of photos of their father, most of those photos are from special occasions like weddings, birthdays or Christmas. They regret that they have no photos of their father working on the farm. Her children will never see photos of her father the way she remembers him – with his farm clothes on, stubble on his chin, and grease on his hands.
This is why Karlene is passionate about Australian Farm Albums! This is why she is encouraging all farming families to invest in a farm album, so that there will a record for future generations of what life is really like on the farm right now.
It is never too early to invest in a farm album; but one day it might be too late.
To secure a photo shoot with Caro Telfer, Photographer, call Caro now on 0427363068. Or if you’d prefer to talk to Karlene, about the compelling reasons why you need an Australian Farm Album, call her on 0429361366.